Friday, November 27, 2009

Start Here

The following is just some of the stories I've writen for the now Roy "Carnifex" Chambers, a fictional character. They take their setting from an old game that caught my imagination. Everything here is completely fictional.


-Welcome to the Liberty Public Net-

Attempting data retrieval.....
Files found, access granted....

Roy "Carnifex" Chambers-
Roy Chambers is an ex-Ageria employe who resigned from his possition at Ageria Technologies to join the Lane Hackers. It is belived that he has since become adicted to cardimine but these claims are unsubstantiated. His present whereabouts are unknown but his primary areas of operation with the Lane Hackers are the Magellan and Cortez systems.

Extended history follows-
Roy was born on Ames Research Station in the Kepler system. His mother was a Zoner and his father a member of the Bounty Hunter Guild. He was their only child. He learned from his father the skills and tricks of bounty hunting while still young and living on Ames so near the dark matter clouds of the Kepler system taught him how to survive in harsh space environments. His father desired that Roy get a proper education so that he would not end up a rough and hard done by bounty hunter like himself and to this end Roy's father sent him to school in Liberty when he was old enough. Following his fathers wishes Roy worked toward getting a well paying job. He eventualy became an employe of Ageria Technologies but after only a few years working there became discontent with his job. Leaving to join the Lane Hackers he began to use his knowlage of tradelane technology to intecept shipping and his knowlage of bounty hunting techniques to effectively escape capture from all assailants. He is still being pursued by several peace keeping organisations.

File ends....

-Have a Nice Day-

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